Thursday, March 11, 2010


The house situation is still a complicated mess.  We're currently waiting for a quote from a contractor before we can proceed.  Certain repairs need to be made BEFORE we's completely ass-backward and I'm sick of it...but what can ya do?  I'm over it.  What happens, happens.  Either way, we're getting out of this particular apartment by August.  That's the important part.

We may be looking at apartments and/or townhomes soon.  My requirements are that it has some sort of yard access, is on the bottom level, and has a washer/dryer IN THE UNIT.  I refuse to lug laundry anymore!  I went to get back to cloth diapering.  I want my cloth kitchen wipes instead of paper towels...I want family cloth to go along with toilet paper...I want to be able to wash my sheets on a regular basis!!!  This for-pay machine deal is for the's next to impossible to have enough quarters when you need to do laundry.  Plus it's expensive.  Lately I've been dragging regular loads of laundry to my aunt's instead of diapers.  I have plenty of clothes IF I could wash...but with as long as we're going between loads, it's so hard to have anything decent to wear!  Thankfully I have MASSIVE amounts of baby clothes.  I run out of stuff I like for Dani to wear, but never truly run out of clothing for her. 

I also want to be able to take Dani outside.  Having a rough day?  Outside fixes it!  I also want to be in the West End where we'll be close to Deep Run Park and the new CMOR location that opens in June.  Plus we do our shopping at places like Trader Joe's...which is only in the West End.  Where we are now, there's nowhere outside to go, there's no decent parks close by, and we're not too far from CMOR....but I really think we'll enjoy the new location more.  I read some stuff about it last night and apparently it's supposed to be storybook themed...stuff like pirate ships, trains, castles, etc.  I'm excited!  And being in the West being know it will be NICE.  Word is it may be members only...but that's cool with me. 

Besides all the moving junk...I'm trying to get more sewing time in.  I have a massive to-do list that has been hanging over me for weeks.  Now I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it's making me feel a little better about myself.  Goodness knows I need to...

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