I kinda figured if I posted about my routine it wouldn't work out. Oh well.
I have had a very slow leak in one of my ties for about a year now. It was annoying, but not too much of a problem. However, On Monday it apparently got a lot worse and I ended up with an almost flat tire....so I had to be driven around by my aunt for two days. I appreciate it of course, but it's hard to be in someone else's home...and two days in a row was too much for me.
The good news is I was able to knit quite a bit. I worked out a pattern for knitted cars which I had been meaning to do for awhile. I also started a knitted truck...unsure how that one is going to come out though.
After my car was fixed today, I did take Dani to the Children's Museum in the West End. It was nice...we only had to ride the train once. She played with a lot of different stuff and didn't need me at all times. I could SIT and KNIT while she played ON HER OWN. I was shocked! That has to rarely happened...
Another "nice" thing about going out to places like that is it helps me realize that I am really gentle with her after all. I often feel like I am failing at it, but then I watch other people parent their kids....oi! It's too bad for their poor kids though...it makes me sad to watch them being disrespected so badly. It makes me want to smack people and tell them the obvious: YOUR CHILD WANTS TO BE WITH YOU AND BE LIKE YOU!
If you do something expect your child to copy you. Don't scold them! Just make a mental note not to do those things in front of them.
If your child cries when you walk away, realize that they need your attention. How simple is that to understand?
Dani is such a happy and agreeable child. We don't have the battles I see others fighting...and I think it's mainly because I don't pick fights with my child. Most things I can let go because they are unimportant or non-issues. I see parents MAKING problems where there are none...and then having to the resulting meltdown. I'm glad I'm not in that position anymore.
Oh...and the tire only cost $10!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A Short Weekend
I think I'm going to try to post more about my day-to-day stuff on this particular blog.
That being said...it was a ridiculously short weekend!!! Didn't help that I slept through most of it. Unsure why, but I have been insanely tired all the time lately. Though, my child has been getting up earlier and earlier which may have something to do with it.

It was quiet here though. We spent most of the weekend at home doing little bits of nothing. We recently got a kitten, so a good bit of time was spent playing with her and keeping Bear from injuring her. She adores the cat, but toddlers aren't so great at judging the amount of force they are using with small furry creatures.
I also did some small knitting projects and worked on a Waldorf cuddle doll. Doll making proved to be more difficult than I had assumed. Particularly all the gathering and hand sewing....oi!
Monday - Lunch w/ Aunt Bonnie & Post Office
Tuesday - Library Storytime
Wednesday - Having the cat spayed
Thursday - Botanical Gardens w/ Grandma
That being said...it was a ridiculously short weekend!!! Didn't help that I slept through most of it. Unsure why, but I have been insanely tired all the time lately. Though, my child has been getting up earlier and earlier which may have something to do with it.

It was quiet here though. We spent most of the weekend at home doing little bits of nothing. We recently got a kitten, so a good bit of time was spent playing with her and keeping Bear from injuring her. She adores the cat, but toddlers aren't so great at judging the amount of force they are using with small furry creatures.
I also did some small knitting projects and worked on a Waldorf cuddle doll. Doll making proved to be more difficult than I had assumed. Particularly all the gathering and hand sewing....oi!
This Coming Week
Monday - Lunch w/ Aunt Bonnie & Post Office
Tuesday - Library Storytime
Wednesday - Having the cat spayed
Thursday - Botanical Gardens w/ Grandma
The Move
We will be moving in under 2 months! Horray! Aaron picked up some boxes earlier from work so we could start packing away some things. I think we will be doing most of it closer to the date, but right now I have some bins of stuff that already needed to be packed away (like excess toys). Perhaps I'll start going through my stuff this week also and try to get it a bit more organized.
And now....off to relax with some music. :) Life is good!